No venting of tritium - take action!

See the informational video about tritium venting featuring Tewa Women United and CCW Member Elder Kathy Wan Povi Sanchez (Pueblo of San Ildefonso) here. Take action by Thursday, December 19, 2024.

More details on the Tewa Women United website, see the News+Stories section. Thank you for using your voice to protect the most vulnerable.

👉Call EPA Regional Administrator, Region 6
(214) 665-2200

👉Call NNSA: Environmental Manager
Los Alamos Field Office

“I’m calling about LANL’s application to vent tritium that would impact nearby Pueblos and residents.” Ask the EPA to:

• Deny Los Alamos National Lab’s (LANL) application to vent tritium from the waste containers.

• Clarify that the term “member of the public” in the Clean Air Act Regulation, 40 CFR 61, Subpart H, includes infants and children.

@tewawomenunited and @nmelc are asking you to contact the EPA Region 6 Administrator and the NNSA Los Alamos Field Office Environmental Manager by Thursday, December 19.

TWU recently commissioned two independent technical reports by respected scientists to study impacts of the venting of radioactive tritium. The findings:

• LANL omitted dose calculations to infants and children in their compliance application.

• LANL tritium venting could have triple the radiation exposure to infants compared to adults

“Tritium makes water, our sacred source of life, radioactive. We were shocked to learn that LANL’s compliance calculations did not take infants and other children into account.”
- Elder Kathy Wan Povi Sanchez, @tewawomenunited (Pueblo of San Ildefonso)


LANL Legacy Waste Update